Dance Film Competition Winners

Congratulations to the three winners of the Dance Film Lab’s dance film competition!

First Place - Yiqi (Coco) Tan ’26 for "Through the Eyes of a Child"

Second Place - Penelope Day ‘24 for "Thought in Motion"

Honorable Mention - Jianing Zhao for "In Search of Flight"

Yiqi (Coco) Tan is a sophomore studying Architecture. Her film “Through the Eyes of a Child” is a music video inspired by the song Through The Eyes Of A Child by AURORA. PMA Dance Minor Molly Hudson is featured in the film.

Penelope Day is a senior studying Government and Philosophy. Her film “Thought in Motion” was “created as a learning experience in order to help me understand the implications of the way my body moves through space, and in particular, Cornell. The audio is a recording of footsteps created by myself.”

Jianing Zhao is a graduate student studying Law. Jianing’s film “In Search of Flight” is a glimpse into an open pole dance practice, where students challenge their bodies to fly in space and own the unknown.

The Dance Film Lab took place on Friday, April 19 in the Film Forum, Schwartz Center for the Performing Arts. The Dance Film Lab was a screening of student-directed short dance films, judged by Shawn Bible, president of the Dance Films Association and executive producer of the yearly Dance on Camera Festival. Cash prizes of $600, $250, and $150 were awarded respectively, and all three films screened at the event.

"I was so impressed by the impeccable creativity of the students — they embodied my 'all or nothing' approach to dance filmmaking," says Shawn Bible. "I can’t wait to see what they make next."

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B&W image of PMA student Molly Hudson in a movement pose against a black background, as part of Yiqi (Coco) Tan’s first-prize winning dance film called Through the Eyes of a Child.